
Register today for 2024 Homeschool Wyoming Convention

Premium Partner Adult Registration

This registration option is for those who are Premium Partners or wish to be Premium Partners with HomeschoolWyo on an on-going basis ($5/mo), with this purchase you'll get admission to the convention for two adults, the partner and spouse or partner and supporting grandparent. Also includes first month's partnership or use your member discount if you're already a premium partner.

Adult Registration

For those who don't wish to join partner with HomeschoolWyo at this time but do wish to attend the conference, this is the option for you. This ticket will be good for two adults, of the same family (a spouse or grandparent can attend with you for free).

FREE Shopping Hour

Join us for this FREE shopping hour - 9a - 10a - Friday, May 31, 2024 Browse the Exhibit hall for one hour - Each family must register to attend

Virtual Conference

We are excited to have a streaming option available for those who cannot make it in person to the conference. While we encourage everyone to make every effort to join us in person if possible, we realize that not everyone can and so we will be live streaming our main sessions only, unfortunately we will not be able to stream any of the break out sessions.

Leaders Luncheon

Do you consider yourself a leader in the homeschool world? - mentoring other moms -co-op organizer -support group leader -blogger -thinking about starting a new group? -mentor? -online group leader? -another kind of group not listed here? Whatever kind of leader you are or even if you feel called to be a leader and need to learn, we invite you to join us! Together will fellowship, be encouraged and brainstorm! You won’t want to miss it! Will share some encouragement, fellowship, and brainstorm with other leaders from around the state! We look forward to encouraging you in your service to the homeschool community! We will provide lunch for the leaders, to offset the cost of this we are asking leaders to pay just a $5.00 fee for this event. Register for this special Leaders Luncheon now!


Kids 1-4 can will be lovingly cared for in our dedicated nursery with our nursery volunteers. You are welcome to take your kiddos in and out whenever is conveinent for you! If cost is an issue for your family, we have scholarships available as well. Please don't let cost be the reason you do not attend! We do have a limited number of spots available so register early and make sure you let us know if for some reason your plans change and you’re unable to attend.

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