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Homeschool Wyoming

Leaders Luncheon

May 14 2021 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
North Christian Church Classroom off of Vendor Hall

Meeting Overview

Are you a leader in the homeschool world?

co-op organizer?
support group leader?
field trip coordinator?
extra curricular group leader?
thinking about starting a new group?
online group leader?
another kind of group not listed here?
Whatever kind of leader you are we invite you to join us! Together will fellowship, be encouraged and brainstorm! You won’t want to miss it!

Todd Wilson will encourage you as we fellowship through lunch and learning.

We are also planning a Town Hall style Q & A time, please be sure to submit your questions in the registration form or email to any questions you’d like to be addressed at our luncheon.

If you will have children attending the kid’s program please plan to send them with a sack lunch on Friday. We will have volunteers to help them with lunches and encourage them as we encourage you in your service to the homeschool community!
We will provide lunch for the leaders, just please let us know you’re coming, register for this special Leaders Luncheon!
Session Info:
Todd Wilson: They Look to You: Like it or not, when you’re a homeschool leader, people watch you. Younger moms look to you for guidance and a pattern to follow. They want to be reminded that the sacrifices they make now are worth it, that the young children who are dependent on them will grow up and be okay, and that the dark days of monotonous toiling will be replaced by sunny days of success.

There are husbands of homeschooling moms who are skeptical of the whole homeschooling idea, who need to see positive examples, and be encouraged to be their wife’s knight in shining armor.

These young homeschoolers need you to point them to the best materials, the most effective products, and the most encouraging speakers. They look to you for answers, affirmation, and strength, all the while longing to hear that they are normal for wanting to toss in the towel, for feeling inadequate, and for failing to do what matters most.

That’s a big order to fill, but one that God has called you to. You don’t need to be perfect, just real. Join Todd as he challenges you in the vital role you play as a homeschool leader.
