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Homeschool Wyoming

Children's Program

May 14 2021 9:30 AM - May 15 2021 3:45 PM
North Christian Church Kid's Club

Meeting Overview

We are thrilled to offer a kid's program this year! This program will be for kids ages 5-12. Dwayne Bazinet and his team of Christian Youth in Action will be sharing Bible stories, games, and activities with our kids! They will also get time on the playground! Children can be checked in and out of the program by their parent as you see fit. Parent's must remain onsite when children are in the kid's program. Please plan to send two snacks and a water bottle with your child each day, labeled with your child's name.

Children's program hours:
9:30 am - Drop-off
12:30 pm - Pick up kids for lunch break
2:15 pm - Drop-off
4:45 pm - Pick up for dinner break
6:15 pm - Drop-off for kids movie night
8:00 pm - Pick up for evening

9:15 am - Drop off
11:45 am - Pick up for lunch
1:15 pm - Drop off
3:45 pm - Children's Program Ends

Friday Night Date Night Child Care will be a movie night. Please send your child with a non-messy snack labeled with their name. Registration for Friday Night Child Care is not required. This is a free event. A love offering will be taken for the child care workers!
