Michelle Christensen

Granny's Guidance

Michelle Christensen is the wife of a farmer, mother to five children, Granny to 8
grandchildren, follower of Christ, and… accidental author!
Over a year ago, her eldest daughter encouraged her to share the stories of her life
to pass them on to her children and grandchildren. One story a day for 30 days, but
what started as a small simple blog has turned into so much more, all by the Grace
of God.
Michelle will tell you that she doesn’t have credentials to be an author or mentor, no
PhD or Doctorate, no special training or abilities. BUT she serves a BIG God whose
grace, and mercy has been with her on her motherhood journey. God has led her
from an unprepared teenage mom through the toddler years, the homeschooling
years, the hard years and the good years to become the mother of five amazing
Currently she enjoys serving as the “snack lady” at church and volunteering as a
mentor mom for the local MOPS group, while continuing along her walk with Christ
and leaning on Him through it all.
